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Blue Tulips

Blue Tulips

Blue Tulips

Tulips Are Renowned For Their Array Of Brilliant Colors, But Are There Any Blue Tulips?

Tulips are one of the most colorful spring-blooming flower bulbs but you may be
wondering if are there are any blue tulips? The color blue symbolizes peace,
mystery, and tranquility and, thanks to its rarity in nature, is a hue much valued by
gardeners. If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary for your spring
garden, you’ll be in blue heaven with our collection of blue tulip varieties.

Are There Any Blue Tulips?

Blue blooms bring a note of refinement and elegance to the spring garden and
there are several unusual tulip varieties in elegant shades of blue-violet and
lavender that come very close to true azure. Blue tulips not only look fabulous in a
bed or border but also make wonderful cut flowers in a spring bouquet.

Why Are Blue Tulips Rare?

Tulips come in an array of colors ranging from deep red and near-black to scarlet,
lavender, orange, pink, yellow and white, as well as violet, bluish lavender, and
lilac. Pure blue tints are found at the base of the petals of some varieties, but up to
now, no one has succeeded in creating a tulip with completely blue petals. Given
the tulip’s ability to mutate which has given rise to so many beautiful varieties, a
pure azure tulip remains a tantalizing possibility for tulip growers.

The Best Varieties Of Blue Tulips

One of the best blue varieties is Blue Aimable, a violet-blue tulip that looks
particularly effective in the fading light of a spring evening. In a rich lavender-blue
fringed with white, tulip Cummins creates a stunning effect in the garden or in a
vase. Tulip Blue Parrot shows streaks of pure azure as the lilac tinted blooms open
their petals in the spring sunshine.

Now all you have to do is decide which varieties to plant. Explore our blue tulip bulbs collection, where you’ll find tried and tested varieties plus our stunning Elite bulbs.

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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