Can You Plant Bulbs In The Winter
Learn About Planting Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths And Other Bulbs In Winter
While fall is the ideal time to plant spring flower bulbs, there’s no reason to worry if
you’ve gotten behind with your gardening schedule. There’s still time to plant some
tulips, narcissi, and hyacinths for a dazzling spring display.
Can You Plant Bulbs In Winter?
The best time to plant your bulbs is in the fall, as soon as possible after you receive
them and about six weeks before the ground freezes. But should you have missed
this window, you can still plant spring flower bulbs as late as December and even
January. As long as the ground is not frozen hard and you can get a spade into it,
you can get those bulbs planted and they’ll reward you with blooms in spring.
How Deep Should You Plant Bulbs In Winter?
Bulbs should be planted at least 6” deep as this gives them more protection. If the
ground is frozen hard, you can still plant bulbs such as tulips and narcissi in pots.
Store them in a cold but sheltered area over the winter - an unheated garage or
shed is ideal - and move the pots to your verandah, patio or steps when the first
shoots appear in spring.
Indoor Bulbs In Winter
Lift your spirits in the dark winter days by growing bulbs such as Amaryllis,
Hyacinth, and Narcissus Paperwhite indoors. After planting, keep in a cool place
until the first shoots appear then move to a warm bright room. Plant a succession
of bulbs to bring color and fragrance to your home all winter long.
There’s still time to plant some bulbs and enjoy a kaleidoscope of color in spring -
all you need to do is to choose your favorite varieties of hyacinths, daffodils, and
tulips and get started!