As the days shorten and cold weather appears, the fall season is the perfect time for fall planting. This allows you to enjoy a spring garden full of color. Are you looking for flower bulb plants to plant in fall in your garden? We have selected 21 spring-blooming bulbs from our fall planting collection.
Good to know: Are you looking for spring bulbs? We’ve also a summer-blooming collection.
What Are The Best Flower Bulb Plants To Plant In Fall?
1. Tulips
With more than 3,000 registered varieties, tulips are one of the most popular fall bulbs. They come in pink, red, yellow, purple, and even multicolored. Give the flowers full sun, a wind-free spot, well-drained soil, but not-too-moist soil.
2. Daffodils (Narcissus)
Daffodils (narcissus) are the perfect spring flowers for any flower garden. Daffodils come in many colors, such as white and peach, and are available in many shapes and sizes. Paperwhites are a beautiful white variety of daffodil bulbs.
3. Alliums
Allium, also known as the ornamental onion, gives a garden a spectacular spring look. Their elegant, slender stems and large, spherical flowers work well with lower-flowered varieties. Choose alliums in blue and purple, or go for red and yellow.
4. Crocuses
If you are looking for early-flowering, low-growing flowers to plant in fall, crocuses are a good choice. The sweet-scented crocus flowers come in colors such as purple, blue, orange, and white. Also, have a look at the beautiful saffron crocus.
5. Ranunculus
If you have a cottage garden, ranunculus is a must-have. These beautiful flowers will make your garden shine during the growing season, whether deep red or subtle pastel pink. Ranunculus corms/bulbs are suitable for garden beds, borders, and pots.
Tip: See also our Italian ranunculus bulbs
6. Amaryllis
Native to South Africa, the amaryllis is known for its beautiful trumpet-shaped petals. Although red and white are the most popular colors, the flower is also available in pink and orange.
7. Hyacinths
Hyacinth bulbs have been a favorite of gardeners since the 17th century. In addition to their beautiful spring color, the flowers have a wonderful fragrance. Hyacinths are available in blue, purple, and yellow and are suitable for beds, borders, and indoors.
8. Iris
Iris, the flower named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, is a hit among fall bulbs. Choose from cheerful colors like blue and violet. Or go for more unusual colors like bronze and brown.
9. Fritillaria
Fritillaria is an exotic flower that has been loved since the time of Elizabeth. The plant likes a full sunny spot or partial shade and needs humus-rich soil. Fritillaria comes in bright colors such as yellow, orange, and red.
10. Anemones
Are you looking for a vibrant spring flower? Try the anemone (windflower). Available in colors such as blue, purple, and bright pink, these windflowers have many beautiful petals.
Tip: See also our Italian anemone bulbs
If you are looking for early-flowering plants, the muscari (grape hyacinth) is a good choice. The flowers have a musky fragrance and are ideal for borders, rock gardens, or under trees.
12. Galanthus (Snowdrops)
The galanthus (snowdrop) is the flower that announces the arrival of spring. The elegant white flowers will give your garden a stunning spring look. Also, look at the leucojum (giant snowflake), another plant similar to the galanthus.
13. Chionodoxa (Glory Of The Snow)
Chionodoxa (glory of the snow) is a beautiful spring flower with star-shaped petals. You can choose from white, blue, or purple, or go for a mix with all three colors in it.
14. Scilla (Squill)
A hardy, low-growing spring flower is the scilla (Siberian squill). The fall bulbs produce 4 bell-shaped flowers per stem, giving you a full bouquet. The scilla is easy to grow and is suitable for pots and borders.
15. Puschkinia (Striped Squill)
Puschkinia (striped squill) is a flowering plant related to scilla and chionodoxa. It is suitable for growing under trees, bushes, and in rock gardens, pots, or landscapes. The puschkinia is white with blue stripes.
16. Eranthis (Winter Aconite)
For a spring show in your own garden, eranthis (winter aconite) is the flower you need. It is an early spring bloomer and can be planted in a border, container, or group plant.
17. Ixias
The ixias is a flower native to South Africa and related to the iris. It has beautiful, narrow, sword-shaped leaves and up to 20 star-shaped flowers per stem.
18. Hyacinthoides (Spanish Bluebells)
Do you want to attract butterflies and bees to your garden? Try hyacinthoides (Spanish bluebells). The plants have 15 to 20 bell-shaped flowers per stem and come in colors including blue, pink, and white.
19. Camassia (Camas Lily)
Camassia is a fascinating flower species with violet spikes. The plant has various names, including “camas”, “camas lily” and “camash”. One of the best things about camassia fall bulbs is that they are easy to naturalize.
20. Ornithogalum (Starflower)
The name ornithogalum comes from the Greek words “ornithos” (bird) and “gala” (milk). That's why this spring flowering plant was also called “bird's milk”, referring to its white, star-shaped petals. It is a beautiful flowering plant for your garden.
21. Dichelostemma (Firecracker Flower)
Finally, we recommend the dichelostemma (firecracker flower) as fall bulb. This flowering plant is characterized by its dense petals and three stamens. Add them to your border, bed, or pot and enjoy the beautiful colors.