Parrot Tulips

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Blooming Season




Parrot Tulips bring an array of color to your spring garden. Parrot Tulips take the display one step further. There’s no other flower that comes close to Parrot Tulips, if you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary. Their blossoms are cup-shaped, fringed, twisted, and ruffled, and there’s a broad range of colors to choose from, ranging from red and violet, to green, and almost black.

Explore the beauty of the DutchGrown parrot tulip collection, where you’ll find top-quality varieties that will be perfect to add their beauty to your spring flower display.

How To Buy Parrot Tulip Bulbs?

The parrot tulip bulbs for sale at DutchGrown are hardy to USDA planting zones 3 through to 7. These stunning tulips deserve a place in any flower bed or border, where their exotic beauty can be appreciated fully. However, they are also very popular as a cut flower. Bring varieties such as the Black Parrot Tulip and Blue Parrot Tulip into your home, and they’re sure to turn heads.

What Parrot Tulips Are There?

While the choice may not be as wide as other types, there are still enough options if you want your spring garden to make an impact on anyone passing by. The Flaming Parrot Tulip is a fine example. Theblossoms start out creamy white with dark red flames, but as the flower matures the creamy white becomes yellow to contrast the dark red flames. Even before the parrot tulips open they show the early signs of the display to come. It is often referred to as the Carribean Parrot Tulip thanks to its colors. Apricot Parrot Tulips are another stunning example of parrot tulips and you get to see a stunning array of colors, aside from apricot, all in one bloom.

Growing Parrot Tulips

For a super parrot tulip display, you should plant the parrot tulip bulbs 5 per square foot, at a depth of 5 inches. They much prefer full sun, so don’t be tempted to hide them away. The best time to plant parrot tulip bulbs is between early fall and November. Parrot tulips are long-stemmed and fragile, so it’s best to choose a location that’s protected from strong wind.